Having the right tools to navigate complex regulatory rules has never been more important.

Developed by regulatory specialists, Single Rulebook is an integrated software solution that enables you to search, share and manage regulatory rules on one digital platform.

Why Single Rulebook?

There are so many rules, Q&As and guidance, even regulatory experts find it hard to keep up. Single Rulebook helps solve many of these challenges:

  • “Did ESMA publish a Q&A on this topic?”
  • “Is everyone using the latest version of this text?”
  • “Is there another relevant delegated regulation?”
  • “How is regulation treated under Brexit?”
  • “I’m sure I read something on this but I can’t find it”

Regulation changes all the time and so does your business, controls often get out of synch with regulation:

  • “Is this compliance policy still in line the latest regulatory guidance?”
  • “Regulatory requirements influence every area of my work but I have no idea what the regulation actually says”
  • “I can’t resource plan these changes until all stakeholders complete their input”
  • “We have no visibility over how the software fulfils regulatory requirements”

Regulatory knowledge and expert resource is precious but is often not treated as such:

  • “I didn’t know a colleague already answered this question”
  • “The person who wrote this opinion has left and I can’t clarify”
  • “What happened to the expert counsel opinion we obtained?”

Use Cases

Below are just a few of the use cases Single Rulebook can help your business tackle.

Regulatory Intelligence & Research

Collaboration on Regulatory Rules

Regulatory Compliance Audit

Exchange Rulebooks

With a powerful search functionality, interactive rule maps, and the ability to trace back to previous versions of regulatory text, Single Rulebook saves time, creates insights and provides confidence.